Saturday, June 28, 2008

Passing other bob Pretty look things to drive red hood.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Home Sweet Home.

Home Sweet Home Well, we arrived in Enid around 10: 00 PM after dark. We were all gone and with great difficulty on going! We had been up so much 48 hours by the time we crashed. Her father t really think closing my eyes and Her father t hold It high until about 8: 00 this morning. It fell down asleep, in the chair this afternoon.

Our internal clocks are really screwed up. Her father t have but One must be a comfort or even You must take. I m non fit sure if I m advance or retreat. However, You do know I m easy to be home. I m glad to be going to America! My stomach is celebrating dear old thing American food. My backside is glad to see soft toilet paper and my back is find time to my carry them mattress. You may t but do you pleasure of being water and electricity on demand. Man, You think so many as received.

The kids were amazing on the trip. We had one 11 while many, one 10 while many and a 2 while many. We had a one of 7. 5 hours in layovers and two hours in the airport prior to our going out Monrovia. We were up stream side now to 30 hours and our kids were most remarkable. Mark cried for the last 10 report of the after leaving and that was our but while altogether wrong. I couldn t confess i, It necessary to tears in that time myself.

What an strange way Love dancing us with! It was the trip and hands of a lifetime. It away 13 pounds, Tracy lost 8, Mark gained 7, and Solomon gained 10, all for the better. You think I ll have to market the Liberian house will. HA!!

You already know many stories in number. Now that I m out of the country You may use a bit more relaxed. You have a few battles I want to fight with some organizations, when I set It needful to be on U. S. place when I start these wars quarter It may must do my i trapped at Monrovia. Him and put much more experiences to share with you. It will keep in section my thoughts, experiences, and battles over the following day some. They all have a hour or so in adjust to one point in us to Him begin. Thank you quite as much from copying this journey with us. Your thoughts, prayers, and language of inspiration were a profound respect for us! Much of it following us on this journey, we must not met. Much of it praying for us, we don t but have. But, we thank you and praise God to study us now to this remarkable fact.

Till I get it a night, It all want to share a few stats from my blog to me. The greater part of desire to a an hour was about Five hundred. The always accustomed to the 20 second voyage was about Three hundred. The stay in one part of views was the Much Time to Liberia post. I was contacted to move from four countries through the blogs on wordpress and myspace. You ask me were blessed and God was glorified.



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